Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Ver. 1903 --- Video Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 v. The current version of your Intel display driver may cause performance and stability issues. It is strongly recommended that you update to driver version 100.6286 or later. Drivers are provided by...
然后重启进入高级启动菜单选择“禁用驱动程序强制签名”;windows 8.1:win+c调出charm菜单-设置-更改电脑设置-更新和恢复-恢复-高级启动(立即重启),然后重启进入高级启动菜单选择“禁用驱动程序强制签名”。5-进入目录(NVIDIA\DisplayDriver\353.30\Win8_WinVista_Win7_64\International),然后找到setup.exe。点击安装,...
Nope. All Kepler mobile GPUs have been completely EOSL'd by Nvidia itself. Premiere Pro 2022 no longer supports any of these GPUs at all. Premiere Pro 2022 now requires a driver version number that's higher than 472.xx just to be even supported at all. The K5100M...
Nope. All Kepler mobile GPUs have been completely EOSL'd by Nvidia itself. Premiere Pro 2022 no longer supports any of these GPUs at all. Premiere Pro 2022 now requires a driver version number that's higher than 472.xx just to be even supported at all. The K5100M...
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Ver. 1903 --- Video Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 v. The current version of your Intel display driver may cause performance and stability issues. It is strongly recommended that you update to driver version 100.6286 or later. Drivers ...
The NVIDIA support for Kepler mobile GPUs such as yours will officially end completely, outside of archived driver releases, this coming April. Intel's support for the iGPUs of the 4th- and 5th-Generation CPUs will completely end in the near future. Therefore, since in most laptop...
Nope. All Kepler mobile GPUs have been completely EOSL'd by Nvidia itself. Premiere Pro 2022 no longer supports any of these GPUs at all. Premiere Pro 2022 now requires a driver version number that's higher than 472.xx just to be even supported at all. The K5100M...
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Ver. 1903 --- Video Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 v. The current version of your Intel display driver may cause performance and stability issues. It is strongly recommended that you update to driver version 100.6286 or later. Drivers ...