作为K2的旗舰产品,K2 blackpearl™ 是企业在构建流程驱动应用程序时使用最广泛的、功能最丰富的软件。 K2 blackpearl 设计界面 — 基于浏览器的界面,或者设计界面被嵌入到 SharePoint、Visio 和 Visual Studio 中— 以适合不同类型用户的使用习惯和技术技能。并且由于流程...
是K2,還是WF(Workflow Foundation)? 从上文中可以了解到:K2首先是一个独立的BPM套件,他的作用是帮助企业用快速的方式构建灵活的业务流程系统.而K2产品在发展过程中,发现众多的企业客户希望使用Sharepoint进行其知识管理;K2为了更好的保证客户的投资,推出了许多和Sharepoint进行集成的功能模块。包括集成到Sharepoint中的...
是K2,還是WF(Workflow Foundation)? 从上文中可以了解到:K2首先是一个独立的BPM套件,他的作用是帮助企业用快速的方式构建灵活的业务流程系统.而K2产品在发展过程中,发现众多的企业客户希望使用Sharepoint进行其知识管理;K2为了更好的保证客户的投资,推出了许多和Sharepoint进行集成的功能模块。包括集成到Sharepoint中的...
With K2’s low-code digital process automation platform, you can develop and deploy powerful process applications quickly and at scale, to deliver intelligent automation across the enterprise. K2 supports user-favorite and sticky Microsoft product technologies like Microsoft Sharepoint, Sharepoint Online...
K2 blackpoint® is for SharePoint users who want visual tools to build workflows and process-driven applications quickly — without code, without complexity. K2 blackpoint has a powerful Office-style designer (K2 Studio) and a Silverlight-based K2 Web Designer that provides profound simplicity....
-k2与SharePoint的整合 张辉资深售前顾问 SharePoint+BPM应用现状 销售说“SharePoint无所不能”,SharePoint的确是市场上EIP+EMC+轻量级的EAI的顶端产品 购买之后客户说“SharePoint就是用来做网站的,哥上当了”实际上 发挥SharePoint的价值极大的依赖Vendor力量 K2BPM成了SharePoint核心应用的催化剂用户...
The task action, defined by the workflow. XML Field Name name string The name of an XML field. XML Field Value value string The value of the XML field. Item References ItemReferences object The Item Reference fields of the workflow instance. Data Fields DataFields object The data fields ...
Use K2 for SharePoint to automate business processes within SharePoint. K2 for SharePoint is used to build and run business process applications within SharePoint that include forms, workflow, data and reports. Automate processes, allocate work and drive better decision making. K2 Five for Share...
The task action, defined by the workflow. XML Field Name name string The name of an XML field. XML Field Value value string The value of the XML field. Item References ItemReferences object The Item Reference fields of the workflow instance. Data Fields DataFields object The data fields ...
Performs a workflow action. Parameters Expand table NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Serial Number serialNumber True string The serial number of the task. Ex: 1234_5678 Custom Action customAction True string The task action, defined by the workflow. XML Field Name name string The name of ...