modern transportation did not exist in the region: it took "fourteen days just to reach the foot of the mountain".[39]After five serious and costly attempts,
[13] There have been 91 deaths during attempted climbs. 【参考译文】尽管珠穆朗玛峰的山顶海拔更高,但K2是一座更具挑战性和危险性的攀登之地,部分原因是其位于更北地区,恶劣天气更为常见。1954年,由阿尔迪托·德西奥领导的意大利登山队中,意大利登山者利诺·拉切德利和阿希尔·孔帕尼奥首次登顶了K2。截至2021年...
[100] The second is the propensity of the mountain to experience extreme storms of several days duration, which have resulted in many of the deaths on the peak. The third is the steep, exposed, and committing nature of all routes on the mountain, which makes retreat more difficult, ...