Dr. Eric Berg DC is not a medical doctor. He is a chiropractor. Dr. Berg and Dr. Berg Nutritionals do not diagnose or treat any medical illness or condition. All testimonials on this website have been supplied without compensation. Results presented are not typical. Individual results will ...
Vitamin K is contraindicated with blood thinners, people who are on an Aspirin regimen, and or have liver and kidney damage. Caution: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, consult your physician before use. Discontinue use and consult your physician...
The structure of MK-4 resembles Vitamin K1. So the body uses it in similar way, MK-4 is used by the body to activate blood clotting proteins in liver. The leftover is packaged inside triglycerides and transport to bloodstream. Leftover MK-4 will support bones. MK-4 does not stick for ...