计算有多少光照射到了K2-18b上对评估它上面生命存在的可能性非常重要,K2-18b的轨道距K2-18的距离比地球距太阳更近:大概是地球到太阳距离的16%。另一个我们需要计算的数值是K2-18释放出的能量:即它每秒释放的能量之和。K2-18释放的能量是太阳的2.3%。 使用几何手段,我们能算出K2-18b每平方米会接收1.22kw的太...
随着科技的进步,我们对宇宙的了解越来越深入。2019年,一个名为Planet K2 18B的星球引起了科学家们的广泛关注。这个星球是由开普勒望远镜发现的,它围绕着一颗红矮星旋转,这颗红矮星被命名为K2 18。Planet K2 18B位于距离地球124光年之外的地方,其质量约为地球的8倍,因此被称为超级地球。Planet K2 18B的大小是...
What can we learn about K2-18b? C A. It is a planet closest to the sun. B. It hosts certain forms of life because of thick gas. C. It is covered with a thin atmosphere. D. It's a planet moving around a red dwarf star.5. What does the underlined word "devastated"in paragrap...
C A faraway planet, known only as K2-18b, has been named as the most likely home for alien life after water vapour was found in its atmosphere.This discovery was made by scientists at University College London (UCL).The planet is known as a super-Earth because it is twice as big as ...
R. et al. Disentangling the planet from the star in late-type M dwarfs: a case study of TRAPPIST-1g. Astron. J. 157, 11 (2019). ADS Google Scholar Benneke, B. et al. Spitzer observations confirm and rescue the habitable-zone super-Earth K2-18b for future characterization. Astrophys...
50 combined transits would provide a real insight on the atmospheric composition: this plan would require to observe all transits available during the nominal and extended mission lifetime. Given the fact that such plan would certainly affect the rest of the Ariel program and that JWST will ...
1. What can we learn about K2-18b? A.It is a planet closest to the sun. B.It hosts certain forms of life because of thick gas. C.It is covered with thin atmosphere and liquid water. D.It's the smallest planet with water in its atmosphere ever found.2. What does the underlined...
(1)D.细节理解题.根据文章第三段 Without a real surface, so to speak, landing on the planet would also be nearly impossible,可以说,如果没有一个真正的表面,在行星上着陆也几乎是不可能的,可知不可能降落在K2-18B因为它没有真正的表面.故选D.(2)C.推理判断题.根据文章倒数第二段 This gas absorbed...
It allows scientists to detect distinct characters of water in a planet’s atmosphere.(为了得出这些结论,研究小组分析了哈勃太空望远镜在2016年至2017年间对这颗K2-18b行星进行的8次观测数据。它使科学家能够探测到行星大气中不同的水的特征)可知,哈勃太空望远镜观测到的数据可以让科学家分析行星上的水的特征。
原文链接:https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy-news/the-planet-k2-18b-may-not-be-habitable-after-all/ 新的研究表明,系外行星K2-18b实际上可能是一个富含气体、没有可居住表面的行星,而不是一个适宜居住的水世界。 K2-18b曾登上新闻头条,因为有研究者称通过詹姆斯韦伯望远镜(JWST)观测到该行星正是一个宜...