“As we seek to grow the brand by 5 times over the next five years.…Unilever brings in all the adjacent competencies that will take us to the next level.” The campaign with Biles, which will be unveiled on social media and on streaming services today, depicts th...
“As we seek to grow the brand by 5 times over the next five years.…Unilever brings in all the adjacent competencies that will take us to the next level.” Simone Biles x K18 courtesy of K18 The campaign with Biles, which will be unveiled on social media and on streaming services ...
值得注意的是,这是Flipkart自2021年以来获得的首次重大融资。在资本冷却及全球经济放缓的背景下,Flipkart能获得如此大额的资金支持足以证明其平台商业价值。防晒服饰品牌Solbari获1000万澳元融资 图片来源:品牌官方 近日,澳洲专业防晒品牌Solbari宣布获得1000万澳元融资,由澳大利亚商业增长基金 (ABGF) 领投。本轮资金将...
TOPBRAND | Flipkart获注资;小红书回应上市传闻;联合利华收购护发品牌K18;Jacquemus CEO离职 近日,OpenAI最大竞争对手Anthropic正在洽谈筹集由 Menlo Ventures领投的7.5亿美元融资。 -融资动态- 沃尔玛向旗下电商平台Flipkart注资6亿美元 近日,印度电商平台Flipkart将获得最大股东沃尔玛的6亿美元注资。本轮资金将用于扩大...
Jordan Mylius’ haircare brand Hairification is one of the first in the haircare category to answer the consumer call for efficacious products at an accessible price point with the introduction of his new H24 range “Dupe culture is certainly part of our beauty Unlock indepth features,executive...
TOPBRAND | Flipkart获注资;小红书回应上市传闻;联合利华收购护发品牌K18;Jacquemus CEO离职 -融资动态- 沃尔玛向旗下电商平台Flipkart注资6亿美元 近日,印度电商平台Flipkart将获得最大股东沃尔玛的6亿美元注资。本轮资金将用于扩大基础设施和卖家支持生系统以及人工智能等最新技术。
品牌方舟获悉,联合利华宣布以未公开的金额收购DTC护发品牌K18,该交易预计将于 2024 年第一季度完成。 就在官宣收购 K18 的几天前,联合利华打包出售旗下非核心美容和个人护理业务部门ElidaBeauty。据了解,联合利华旗下Elida Beauty品牌组合有20多个美容个护品牌,包括 Caress、TIGI、Timotei、Monsavon等。根据财报信息,该...
Authentic K18WG Diamond Ring 0.30CT #260-005-795-5681 ,, Condition: Pre-owned ,, Brand: Unbranded ,, Style: Ring ,, Material: K18 White Gold ,, Gender: Ladies' ,, Size: 6.5-7 (US size) ,
Authentic K18PG Diamond Ring 0.20CT #260-007-064-2124 ,, Condition: Pre-owned ,, Brand: Unbranded ,, Style: Ring ,, Material: K18 Pink Gold ,, Gender: Ladies' ,, Size: 6 (US size) ,, Mai