PARTNER K1250轨道切割机 世界上功率最大的汽油动力轨道切割机 发动机 空冷二冲程 排量119cc 功率5.8千瓦 重量(含RA10,不含燃油与锯片)20.5kg(14"),21.2kg(16") 锯片 直径:350mm(14"),400mm(16") 切割深度:125mm(5"),145mm(6") PARTNER K2500轨道切割机 强力液压马达,切割高效 一个工作点、使用350...
K1250型铁轨切割机是全球有力的铁轨切割机,与同功率的其他切割机相比,它的重量要轻5公斤左右。因此,切割作业较快且不费劲。虽然该型号的切割机功率强大,但却出人意料地易操纵,其奥妙就在于它拥有极佳的平衡结构,并应用了人机工程学设计。 瑞典Husqvarna 型铁轨切割机 产地:瑞典Husqvarna Husqvarna PARTNER K1250 轨...
林升供应气缸适用Husqvarna, Partner K1250 & K1250 60mm 金华市婺城区速巨园林工具加工厂 9年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 浙江 金华市婺城区 ¥2.50 成交1882个 Husqvarna K750 K760 K960 K970 K1250 371K 375K 燃油滤胡斯华纳 义乌市宸羽机械配件有限公司 5年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 浙江 金华...
Fits Models:Hus Partner K1250 3120 3120XP 3120K Cut-Off Saw Package Includes: 1X Cylinder Head 1X Piston 1X Piston Pin 2X Piston Ring 2X Circilps Ningbo Eastar Electromechanical Industrial Trading Co., Ltd is a manufacturer and dealer for garden...
一、瑞典PARTNER K1250内燃钢轨锯轨机 //K2500液压钢轨锯轨机 partner公司为此而专门开发了两种轨道切割机,一种是汽油动力K1250;另一种是液压马达动力K2500,并备有RA10附件,用以安装在轨道上,以便为在轨道上进行切削提供正确导向。 PARTNERK1250轨道切割机 ...
ซื้อ K950 AIR FILTER COMBO สําหรับ PARTNER HUSQVARNA K1200 K1250 เลื่อยคอนกรีตตัดฟองน้ํากรองล่วงหน้า 5062318 -01/02
2. We think highly of every single customers of us and value the relationship, we take it not only as business partner, but also as true friends. Will keep the good services and put customers' benefit as high priority. Send your message to this s...
We pay you like you are ourprofit sharing business partner also called LLC type. Not based on an interest rate mere investor. That's why you'll make more high returns with us.We pay back $1,250 for every $250 invested.You'll get more if your investment ...
We pay you like you are ourprofit sharing business partner also called LLC type. Not based on an interest rate mere investor. That's why you'll make more high returns with us.We pay back $1,250 for every $250 invested.You'll get more if your investment ...