进入ubuntu Linux,system-setting -> software & updates -> additional drivers 如图所示,可以看到识别到了K1100M显卡,默认的驱动是X.Org X server - Nouveau display driver 更改为 NVIDIA binary driver - version 384.111
hello friends i am so tried i buy HPZBook with Quadro K1100m but when i open my adobe premiere 2021 and 2022 then have issue intel and nvidia graphics driver not supported please help me out of this problem TOPICS Hardware or GPU ...
Lenovo pages, because when I try update driver to newest from official Nvidia page, my laptop everytime ends inBSODduring installation. Problem is pointed to somedlkmd.sys.file. I try to find more about this topic on Google, and I finded some same problems but with diffr...
I’m using a Cuda-based toolchain that requires me to use Cude 7.5. I installed the latest Linux NVIDIA driver and Cuda 7.5 on a CentOS system. I followed the pre-installation directions found at: [url]http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-installation-guide-linux/index.html#axzz4QgCtosZM[...