K-1 表 (称Schedule K-1 或Form 1065) 是一种美国国税局 (IRS) 的税务文件。它是美国有限合伙制 (LP) 或有限责任公司 (LLC) 发给合伙人的收益或亏损的总结单。 对于外籍个人在美国投资移民的申请,K-1表是一份极其重要且不可忽略的税务申报内容。 今天给大家分享一些有关项目方给发放的K1表相关的报税须知...
In order to fill out your Schedule K1 form, you can file it when you submit your Form 1065 or 1120S to the Internal Revenue Service. Probably, the easiest thing to do is to submit the form in ellectronic manner by using IRS Free File or tax prep software. Also, the form can ...
A partnership business files Form 1065 with the IRS as an information source to which examiners may refer when studying each partner's return. The amount of capital that a single partner contributes determines the size of their profit and, thus, their taxable income.Schedule K-1 of Form 1065r...