We present a detailed study of the critical point for the appearance of a giant k -clique percolation cluster in the Erd艖s-R茅nyi-graph. The observed transition is continuous and at the transition point the scaling of the giant component with the number of vertices is highly non-trivial. ...
Motivated by the success of a k-clique percolation method for the identification of overlapping communities in large real networks, here we study the k-clique percolation problem in the Erdős–Rényi graph. When the probability p of two nodes being connected is above a certain threshold p c...
The RSW theorem for continuum percolation and the CLT for Euclidean minimal spanning trees We prove a central limit theorem for the length of the minimal spanning tree of the set of sites of a Poisson process of intensity λ in [ 0, 1]2as λ→ ... KS Alexander - 《Annals of Applied...
Palla G,Der(?)nyi I,Vicsek T.The critical point of k-clique percolation in the Erd(o|¨)s-R(?)nyi graph. J.Stat.Phys . 2007The Critical Point of k -Clique Percolation in the Erd?s–Rényi Graph[J] . Gergely Palla,Imre Derényi,Tamás Vicsek.Journal of Statistical Physics . 2007...
Motivated by the success of a k-clique percolation method for the identification of overlapping communities in large real networks, here we study the k-clique percolation problem in the Erdos-Renyi graph. When the probability p of two nodes being connect
Motivated by the success of a k -clique percolation method for the identification of overlapping communities in large real networks, here we study the k -clique percolation problem in the Erds–Rényi graph. When the probability p of two nodes being connected is above a certain threshold p c ...
Surprisingly, k-clique percolation for all k < k c = 6–7 is possible on free association networks of different languages. Our analysis suggests new universality patterns for a community organization of free association networks. We conjecture that our result can provide a ...
"k-clique Percolation and Clustering." Handbook of Large-Scale Random Networks. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008. 369-408. [9] Wang, Jianxin, et al. "Identifying protein complexes from interaction networks based on clique percolation and distance restriction." BMC genomics 11.2 (2010): S10....
Motivated by the success of a k -clique percolation method for the identification of overlapping communities in large real networks, here we study the k -clique percolation problem in the Erds–Rényi graph. When the probability p of two nodes being connected is above a certain threshold p c ...
PallabelDerényiPalla G., Abel D., Derenyi I., Farkas I., Pollner P., Vicsek1 T.: K-clique percolation and clustering in directed and weighted networks, (http://www.inma.ucl.ac.be/~blondel/workshops/2008/files/palla.pdf).