(Separation) 一些常见的聚类准则及其计算复杂性k-Center:最大半径最小化 (NP-hard)k-Cluster:最大直径最小化 (NP-hard)k-median:聚类内部距离之和的最小化 (若视k为输入变量,则NP-hard,对于固定的k,则是P问题)k-means: 聚类内部距离平方之和的最小化(无论k是否固定,均为NP-hard) Min-cut:最小割 (...
In [24,25], sliding window algorithms have been proposed for the k-median and k-means clustering problems, whose objective is to minimize the average distance and squared distance of all window points from the closest centers, respectively. For distributed solutions to the k-center problem (with...
The key to a good life, I believe, is contentment, not wealth. I know a lot of wealthy people who aren't satisfied with their lives. To be a happy, content person, one needs to embrace what s/he has. Goodness in life also means that you give b...
The outcome measure was an improvement in ARDS assessed by means of the Brescia COVID Respiratory Severity Score (BCRSS 0 to 8, with higher scores indicating higher severity) at 24–72 h and 10 days after tocilizumab administration. Out of 100 treated patients (88 M, 12 F; median age: ...
(e.g.k-center,k-median, andk-means) under 2-perturbation-resilience. Recently, Cohen-Addad and Schwiegelshohn [16] proved that a simple local search scheme yields optimal solutions for problems likek-median andk-means, under\psi-perturbation-resilience for\psi > 3. Chekuri and Gupta [14...
(n\log h)time, wherehis the number of points in the skyline ofP. We also show that the decision problem can be solved inO(n\log k)time and the optimization problem can be solved inO(n \log k + n {{\,\textrm{loglog}\,}}n)time. This improves previous algorithms and is optimal ...
In [24,25], sliding window algorithms have been proposed for the k-median and k-means clustering problems, whose objective is to minimize the average distance and squared distance of all window points from the closest centers, respectively. For distributed solutions to the k-center problem (with...