Model NameKMK6200 Year2001 CategoryConstruction machine / Construction crane Description Comes With Mercedes-Benz 6 cyl upper, 8845 upper closely hrs, A / C, 3 sheave block, 127 ft 5 sec boom, 128 ft luffing jib, 125 ft jib ext, anti two-block, EKS 83 LMI, 6 piece Q / W cwt, Me...
宏光MINIEV GAMEBOY版在4月8日正式上市,其定价区间为5.58万-6.98万。如果和大众朗逸、丰田轩逸等车型比价格,宏光MINIEV GAMEBOY版显然算一款比较实惠的车型,年轻人想要买这款车其实压力不会太大。而且和真正的日本K-Car不同,宏光MINIEV GAMEBOY版并不是燃油驱动,反倒采用纯电动力,比起燃油动力来说,纯电车型的用车...
摘要: Immune to the economy's woes until about a year ago, U.S. specialty stores are absorbing serious fiscal hits thanks to consumers' tightening belts. Last week, Saks Fifth Avenue posted a net loss of 31.7 million for the second quarter ended August 2, 2008-a 4.7% deficit, which fol...