Online Education, or OEd for short, is a full online education platform approved by the Department of Education (DepEd). Our vision is to provide flexible and personalized education for all, with the use of the latest in online learning technology....
菲律宾教育改革k-12是什么? 除了菲律宾游学,目前许多家长也会考虑送孩子到菲律宾上小学,当然有的父母也是出于工作原因。不过,菲律宾一些好的国际小学拥有不错的英语环境,价格也比部分国内学校便宜,故而进入了家长的选择范围。#菲律宾教育改革# 选择菲律宾中小学前有必要了解他们的教育改革“K-12”。 菲律宾教育改革 K-...
Mark Anthony Cenas Pa-alisbo
The K-12 basic education curriculum has roused mixed reactions from various sectors in the Philippines. Find out why it brings more good than harm to us.
Emergency remote teaching experience: Challenges, actions and suggested measures of STEM research teachers in Pangasinan Philippines The Department of Education (DepEd) resorts to using Self-Learning Modules (SLM) with the alternative learning delivery modalities for various types of lea... MAB Dulay,SK...
educationbasicprogramunderstandingdisadvantagedgraduates UnderstandingtheKUnderstandingtheK--1212 BasicEducationProgramBasicEducationProgram “Educationisthekeytothelong-term problemsofthecountry.Ifwefixbasic education,wefixthelong-termproblems ofthecountry.Andifwefixthecountry’s problems,wewillbuildatrulystrong societ...
Given the technostress caused by parents’ involvement in distance learning activities and its influence on their behaviours of support toward their children’s learning, the current study is significant. Distance learning is expected to be an integral part of the education system in the future. The...
The result of the experiment shows reasonable result for making decisions. It is concluded that the proposed career recommender system for the students is very timely and will be one of the significant research work in the new era of education system in the Philippines. 展开 ...
Financial stabilityK to 12Security of tenureThis descriptive survey research utilized a content-validated questionnaire to determine the perceived impact of the implementations of a K to 12 education system in the Philippines. It also...doi:10.1007/s10671-018-9239-1Bringula, Rex P....
To respond to the demands and challenges of the twenty-first century, the Philippines has recently undertaken educational reforms that transition and shift its 10-year basic education into a K-12 curriculum. Such initiatives, as stated in the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, aim to expand ...