Designing a practical temperature scale for the 10–90° K intervalNo Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1007/BF00986363A. S. Borovik-RomanovM. P. OrlovaP. G. StrelkovKluwer Academic PublishersMeasurement Techniques
temperature scales/ temperature scalethermometers0.5 K/ A0620H Measurement standards and calibration A0720D Thermometry A0720M Cryogenics B7130 Measurement standards and calibration B7320R Thermal variables measurement/ temperature 5.0E-01 KWe summarize our most recent results on the development of an ...
Tárolótömb hardverhőmérséklet-érzékelői vezérlő szerint PurefaHardwareTemperatureCelsiusByController Meghatározatlan Átlag Controller, Sensor PT1M No Gazdagép Nexus Storage-gazdagép sávszélessége bájtbanTárolótömb gazdagépének sávszélessége bájt/másodpercbe...
TemperatureInstant Meghatározatlan Átlag, Minimum, Maximum, Összeg, Darabszám FabricId, ComponentName PT1M Yes Erőforrás-használat Maximális hőmérsékletAz összetevő maximális hőmérséklete Celsius-fokban. A statisztikai adatok maximális értéke a mi...
kwindrem/GuiModsPublic NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork29 Star227 main BranchesTags Code Repository files navigation README NOTE: starting with firmware v3.50, the "New UI" (aka gui-v2) is available for use For GuiMods, the following opitons must be con...
Sea surface temperature (TEX86), marine GDGTs and BIT index from ODP Hole 161-977A Belen; Grimalt, Joan O; Sinninghe Damst茅, Jaap S; Schouten, Stefan (2011): Coherent millennial-scale patterns in Uk'37 and TEX86H temperature records during the penultimate interglacial-to-glacial cycle in...
Various crystal oscillator technologies include voltage-controlled crystal oscillators (VCXOs), temperature-controlled crystal oscillators (TCXOs), and oven-controlled crystal oscillators (OCXOs). Reference clock – Many instruments contain phase-lock loops (PLLs). A PLL can lock the frequency of its...
HardwareMonitor IDRAC-érzékelők hőmérsékleteIDRAC érzékelő hőmérséklete IdracSensorsTemperature Meghatározatlan Átlag Host, Name, Units PT1M No Network (Hálózat) Hálózati eszköz fogadási hibáiA kapott hálózati eszközhibák teljes száma NcNodeNetwo...
Hot electron scattering in a solid is dependent on their temperature Th and their energy Eh and therefore on the laser intensity35,45,46. Since the generated hot electron beam presents a divergence angle, an enlargement of the x-ray source size is thus expected at high laser intensities due ...
Temperature Conversion: The relationship between the expressions for the temperatures is a linear one ( that is, following an equation of the form y=ax+b). This means the conversion between temperatures is not done simply with the use of conversion...