如果你想继续当年轻人,就关了衰老选项,然后秘籍Testingcheats true 然后cas.fulleditmode,然后Shift+左键点小人然后选择在创造模拟市民里修改年龄周期。 还没结婚生娃娃怎么就老了呢 那么现在大家知道模拟人生4怎么修改年龄了吧,至于作弊码如何开启可以参考SIMS4作弊码如何开启这篇文章。如果还有什么不理解的地方,欢迎留...
stats.disable_all_commodities | stats.enable_all_commodities sims.remove_all_buffs - Removes all moodlets sims.get_sim_id_by_name - gets simID, may be good for other commands. money <amount> - sets money to exact amount. sims.modify_funds <(-)amount> - adds or subtracts from funds....
So yeah, my SON cheats, too. This guy holds a snowball. This guy is having a long winter’s nap. Felt with embroidery. Peg’s button Christmas tree. What a swell little guy. Rachel was laughing even before she showed me this dude – long before the party. She says, “Everybody ...
Includes Red Dead Redemption 2: Story Mode, Red Dead Online, plus all Special and Ultimate Edition content. Winner of over 175 Game of the Year Awards and recipient of over 250 perfect scores, Red Dead Redemption 2 is an epic tale of honor and loyalty at the dawn of the modern age. Am...
Plz whenever I want to download the cheats I see this curt urls what should I do plsReply Replies YomiTech29 September, 2018 Use the alternative link.. Reply Micheal29 September, 2018 Pls, mine connect but doesn't browse Reply Replies YomiTech29 September, 2018 To fix that, just click on...
(模拟人生4的秘籍输入(开启)方法和模拟人生3一样。) ~~~ 模拟人生4原版秘籍列表: • “Help” - Lists all available commands into the command console. This will only list cheats available to the players. 列出所有可用的秘籍。 (详细版翻译+说明:输入“...
AutomationTestingCheats true death.toggle [true|false] (already known) fire.toggle [true|false] appears to work. Will not extinguish existing fires. sims.modify_in_cas sims.Spawn - 产生新的小人并将其添加到您的家庭。 sims.spawnsimple 产生新的小人但不将其添加到您的家庭。
These object-codes with debug instructions are offered by Tooha in the sims 4 official forum. 原PO漏掉了玫瑰,不过我想办法补上了,debug指令是官方内建于主程式中,debug侦错过程专用的,塬本就存在,只是没公开,所以,使用这些debug指令不需要额外加挂任何功能性模组,也不需要先打上testingcheats on / testing...
4.小心使用密技,最好先用在不重要的地段跟人物上进行测试。 5.目前由于游戏BUG,所有透过「testingcheats true」启动的秘技在你通过读取画面之后,都必须重复输入再次启动。 状态 “Sims.remove_all_buffs”–移除所有的心愿/情绪 “Sims.add_buff [状态值, low/high]”–为小人增加一个特别的状态(拼字正确性很重...