宾得理光映像株式会社欣然宣布Adapter Q for K-mount Lens转接环的发布,一款将PENTAX K卡口镜头转接至PENTAX Q系列相机机身使用的镜头转接环。 主要特点 1. 强悍的超长焦拍摄 通过此款全新的转接环把K卡口镜头接至PETNAX Q系列相机后,镜头的焦距将被扩展至原焦距的约5.5倍(折合35mm胶片规格)。这意味着如果使用smc...
镜头特点 镜头说明镜头卡口:PENTAX KAF2 卡口(AF coupler,lens information contacts,K-mount with power contacts) 适用镜头:KAF3-,KAF2-(电动变焦不兼容),KAF-,KA-卡口镜头。 对焦方式类型TTL: 相位匹配自动对焦 亮度范围:EV-1至 18 (ISO 100) 自动对焦模式 AF.A自动对焦,AF.S单次自动对焦;AF.C连续自动...
K: The original Pentax bayonet mount. Allows for manual and Av exposure modes (if the camera body supports this). The lens communicates to the body how many stops the aperture ring is stopped down. KF: K mount with electrical contacts for the smc Pentax-AF 35-70mm f/2.8 autofocus lens....
單反與無反向來各有不同的定位,不過向來創新的 Pentax 就實行將兩者結合。最新發表的 K-01 雖然配備了無反機身,不過卻採用了原生 K-mount 接環以對應傳統單反鏡頭,對於擁有 Pentax 單反鏡的用家來說,實行便可即時「無痛」轉玩無反。 外形極具玩味 近期無反不是鬥細鬥輕,就是玩復古設計,見得多也覺得悶,而 ...
Lens Mount Pentax K KAF2 MountCrop Factor 1X Filter Diameter N / A Focus System 33-point Phase-Detect, Assist-lamp * Viewfinder Type Reflex OVFViewfinder Size 0.70X - 100% Coverage * Display Attachment TiltingDisplay Size 1 Megapixels 3.2" LCD 100% Coverage Exposure Modes P, A, T, M,...
Lens Mount Pentax K KAF2 MountCrop Factor 1.5X Filter Diameter N / A Focus System 11-point Phase-Detect, Assist-lamp * Viewfinder Type Reflex OVFViewfinder Size 0.92X - 100% Coverage Display Attachment FixedDisplay Size 920K Pixels 3" LCD 100% Coverage * Exposure Modes P, A, T, M, B...
理光公布最新宾得K卡口镜头线路图 理光发布最新宾得K卡口镜头路线图(2020年6月): K卡口镜头线路图 K卡口全画幅镜头线路图 Updated Pentax K-mount lens roadmap (June 2020)
✨ Camera lens adapter pentax k: lens adapter is designed for pentax k, it can be used to mount the camera lens or other accessories. ✨ Effortless install: lens mount is quick and easy to install. just screw it onto your camera's lens thread, then attach the adapter to your lens....
Detailed comparison of the Pentax K-70 and the Pentax KP. Click through to find out about their relative size and key specifications.
理光影像(宾得)发表了最新的宾得K卡口镜头路线图,2013年及以后。计划推出的K卡口镜头: 12-28mm DA 广角变焦 24-38mm DA limited 变焦 120-380mm DA 远摄变焦 18-85mm DA 变焦 DA AF RC 1.4x 增距镜 文章来源 :Updated Pentax K-mount lens