1. n_cluster:聚类个数(即K),默认值是8。2. init:初始化类中心的方法(即选择初始中心点的根据),默认“K-means++”,其他可选参数包括“random”。3. n_init:使用不同类中心运行的次数,默认值是10,即算法会初始化10次簇中心,然后返回最好的一次聚类结果。4. max_iter:单次运行KMeans算法的最大迭代次数...
将我们手写的代码与sklearn中的对于,数据集使用模块提供的虹膜数据: fromsklearnimportcluster,datasetsiris=datasets.load_iris()my_k=K_means(4)my_k.fit(iris.data)print(np.array(my_k.labels))sk=cluster.KMeans(4)sk.fit(iris.data)print(sk.labels_) 得到输出: [22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222...
K-Means方法具有下面的优点 (1)对于处理大数据量具有可扩充性和高效率。算法的复杂度是O(tkn),其中n是对象的个数,k是cluster的个数,t是循环的次数,通常k,t<<n。 (2)可以实现局部最优化,如果要找全局最优,可以用退火算法或者遗传算法 K-Means方法也有以下缺点 (1)Cluster的个数必须事先确定,在有些应用中...
example [idx,C] = kmeans(___) returns the k cluster centroid locations in the k-by-p matrix C. example [idx,C,sumd] = kmeans(___) returns the within-cluster sums of point-to-centroid distances in the k-by-1 vector sumd. example [idx,C,sumd,D] = kmeans(___) returns dis...
print("Cluster Centers: ") forcenterincenters: print(center) # $example off$ spark.stop() ''' sample_kmeans_data.txt 0 1:0.0 2:0.0 3:0.0 1 1:0.1 2:0.1 3:0.1 2 1:0.2 2:0.2 3:0.2 3 1:9.0 2:9.0 3:9.0 4 1:9.1 2:9.1 3:9.1 ...
KMeans is used to cluster the data into groups for further analysis and to test the theory. You can find out more about KMeans on Wikipedia Wikipedia KMeans .The data that we are going to use in today's example is stock market data with the ConnorsRSI indicator. You can learn...
print(kmeans.labels_)print(kmeans.labels_.shape) # Predicting the cluster of an incoming new data point sample_test = np.array([-3, -3]) print(sample_test) test = sample_test.reshape(1, -1) print(test) pred = kmeans.predict(test) ...
尽管如此,相比其他聚类算法,k-means算法已经是很快的了。 返回顶部 二、KMeans类的使用 classsklearn.cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=8,*,init='k-means++',n_init=10,max_iter=300,tol=0.0001, precompute_distances='deprecated',verbose=0,random_state=None,copy_x=True,n_jobs='deprecated'...
For example, if a huge set of sales data was clustered, information about the data in each cluster might reveal patterns that could be used for targeted marketing.There are several clustering algorithms. One of the most common is called the k-means algorithm. There are several variations of ...