The 7 gallon gas tank (one gallon reserve) should give you a 280-338 mile range. The new stunning BMW K 1600GTL Exclusive brings a level of comfort, con- venience, performance and luxury style not seen in this market. My thanks to BMW Motorcycles of Las Vegas (702- 454-6269, www....
The pistol grip selectable gollonage nozzle is a constant gallonage nozzle(flow remains the same in all patterns),with multiple flow settings for operator flow control. It has four flow classes,115-230-360-475 LPS,and it is available both for ...
厦门兴锐达自动化设备有限公司 联系人:王文光 手机:15359273780 0592-5580707 电话:400-855-5103转001 传真:0592-5361289 QQ:1694785820 1282972140 网址: LUCENT PSAX 4500 PACKETSTAR VOIP MEDIA GATEWAY LOADED LUCENT EXCEL EXS-2000 LNX SS7 PROGRAMMABLE SWITC...
2. Combined Eagle-grip structure and Anchorear structure together;3. Suitable for 55 gallon steel and plastic rimmed drums;4. Can be operated by one people5. Manually rotate drums 180 degree;7. Can keep drums at any angle;8. The solid steel construc...
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邵武宴瞿通判致语口号 方岳 宋 肯驾缇屏入古樵,熙春山更绿岧嶢。 人如第二泉清冷,路亦无多秋泬寥。 碧色玻璃供笑语,黄云{左禾右罢}稏入歌谣。 山城斗大能留否,见说弓旌有特招。方岳其他诗词: 满江红 满江红 满江红 水调歌头 水调歌头 水调歌头 满江红 水调歌头 水调歌头 水调歌头 沁园春 沁园春 沁园春 ...
集部>夷坚志> 夷坚甲志卷六 俞一郎放生 俞一郎者.荆南人.虽为市井小民.而专好放生.及装塑神佛像.绍熙三年五月.被病危困.为二鬼卒拽出.行荒野闲.遂至一河.见来者甚众.皆涉水以度.独得从桥到彼岸.别有鬼使引飞禽走兽万计.尽来迎接.稍抵前路.又遇千余僧.及一门楼.使者导入.望殿上十人列坐.著王者...