至于性能部分,酷比魔方KPad则是搭载了紫光展锐虎贲T610八核疾速处理芯片,采用12nm制程工艺,拥有两颗高性能的A75架构大核及六颗高效能的A55架构核心,以及Bifrost架构Mali G52 3EE图形处理器。虎贲T610是属于入门级的处理器,所以在跑分成绩上并不高,只能说中规中矩,鲁大师获得255220分,而在安兔兔则获得165235...
大朋全景声巨幕影院P1可以说是目前最为物美价廉的VR一体机了,在性能方面,大朋P1拥有绝对的优势,轻巧的身材,加上2.5K的Fast-LCD 高清屏幕,超长续航的大力加持,用高颜值高性能来形容并不过分,享受视觉盛宴的同时,还带来了便捷的操控体验。没错,我们都知道大朋全景声巨幕影院P1除了通过头瞄+触控技术操作头盔,...
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Important notice! It's time for me to go now...I will be leaving Microsoft on September 30. This has nothing to do with Microsoft, and I wish I was...Date: 09/19/2006To all my friends in PakistanIt appears after my last trip to Pakistan there is still some confusion about why so...
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