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As we identified multiple DUBs in the pulldown with branched and unbranched Ub chains, we next investigated whether some DUBs can preferentially cleave branched Ub chains. However, conventional DUB assays, which monitor polyUb chain cleavage, lose information on which specific linkage within a Ub c...
580-212-9853***Farm gates of various sizes; wants mitre saw; 580-212-2772***Wants to buy small chest freezer; 903-249-2024***Wants set of aluminum or chrome wheels for Dodge 4 wheel drive; 903-272-9986: wants square body for pickup for rebuild*** Whirpool top load washer and drye...
At roughly US$6, something like this was well worth the price. And with a lot of leftover SD cards lying around — mostly from the same camera I’ve owned for about seven years now — this is a good way to pick up a little extra storage space, in oddball sizes. Now shift gears...
“…The Treasury has been scaling back auction sizes, after expanding debt sales to finance annual budget deficits exceeding $1 trillion for the past two years. Bond dealers predict deficits of $1.214 trillion in fiscal 2011, $1.023 trillion in 2012 and $906 billion in 2013, according to a ...
Next in the series, the Stalker QD functions similarly to the Steelbanger Basic using Flex Ready technology, only this bipod is available in two sizes: 14 to 42 inches (QD42) and 24 to 72 inches (QD72) at full range and weighs 15 ounces and 17 ounces, respectively. The key feature ...