Ei), whereEi= {e1,e2, …,ei}. Thek-center problem isequivalent tofinding the smallest index i such thatGihas adominating setof size at mostk.
In this paper, we introduce and study the Non-Uniform k-Center problem (NUkC). Given a finite metric space (X,d) and a collection of balls of radii {r1≥⋯≥rk}, the NUkC problem is to find a placement of their centers on the metric space and find the minimum dilation α, such...
In the Asymmetric k-Center problem, the input is an integer k and a complete digraph over n points together with a distance function obeying the directed triangle inequality. The goal is to choose a set of k points to serve as centers and to assign all the points to the centers, so tha...
Thus it may be desirable to endow only a small subset of the nodes with global routing capabilites, which gives rise to the following graph-theoretic problem. Given an undirected graph G = (V,E), a metric l on the edges, and an integer k, a k-center is a set π ⊆ ...
For the metric k-median problem, we are given n points in a metric space. We select k of these to be cluster centers and then assign each point to its closest selected center. If point j is assigned to a center i, the cost incurred is proportional to the distance between i and j....
key equation ke keyer key escrow key escrow problem key escrow system key establishment key exchange key expansion key exposure key field key fram key frame key frame extraction keyframe extraction key frames key frames extraction key gene key generation keyg environmental is key grip key handle ke...
knowledge based gis knowledge based top m knowledge center knowledge construct knowledge context knowledge creation an knowledge density knowledge discovering knowledge economy kno knowledge intensity knowledge marketing d knowledge of actuator knowledge of erp tran knowledge of evil is knowledge of necessit ...
In the k-means problem, we are given a finite set S of points in ℜm, and integer k ≥ 1, and we want to find k points (centers) so as to minimize the sum of the square of the Euclidean distance of each point in S to its nearest center. We show that this well-known proble...
給定一個圖形G 和一個整數k,「最小k 分割問題」 (the minimum k-cut problem) 討論的是如何用最小的 cost 將G 的 vertex set 分割為 k 個部份。這個問題由於在實際生... 王炳豐,Wang, BiingFeng - 《電機資訊學院 - College of Electrical Engineering\\s&\\scomputer》 ...
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