not only for the efficiency of TkSKQ but also for the quality of retrieval results, requiring more consideration. Some efforts11,13,26,27,28,29,30used the pivot based hierarchical method to explore the relationship between textual keywords of spatial objects to answer semantic...
The Relationship of Skandalist and Chudožnik neizvesten to the Development of Soviet Literature in the Late Nineteen-Twenties. Pittsburgh, Pa.1970. Google Scholar V. Serebrjakova: V. A. K. (Russkie sovetskie pisateli. Prozaiki. Bd. 2. Leningrad 1964. 240–263). Google Scholar ...
A relationship between the linear complexity and the terror linear complexity of periodic sequences over GF(q) is studied, A necessary and sufficient condition for which the terror linear complexity is strictly less than the linear complexity is showed. When the period N equals to pqn, an expli...
Clinical Nutrition Volume 5, Supplement, 1986, Pages 83 About ScienceDirect Contact and support Terms and conditions Privacy policy Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. ScienceDirect® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Cookies are used by this sit...
BasedonGreenberg’sspeed-densitymodelandUnderwood’sspeed-densitymodel,substantiatethatthecapacityforGreenbergandUnderwoodisasfollows: Greenberg Underwood AsthemodelwasthatputforwardbyGreenberg, showingalogarithmicrelationship:Q=K×V=K× 带入格林柏格公式得: 最后:安德伍德公式:Q=K×V=k× 例7-4对某路上的...
, Her2+ and Basal), in terms of structural properties. For this purpose, we used the graph-theoreticalk-core of a network (maximal sub-network with nodes of degree at leastk). We developed a comprehensive analysis of the network k-core (k=30) structures in cancer, and its relationship ...
In recent years, with the improvement in China's economy and living standards and the enhancement of environmental protection, people not only want to consider the yield and economic benefits delivered by fertilizer application, but also pay more attention to its relationship with crop quality and ...
会计学1 KQV 第一节第一节三参数之间的关系三参数之间的关系 一、交通流的三个参数关系一、交通流的三个参数关系 描述交通流的三个参数是交通量、速描述交通流的三个参数是交通量、速 度和交通密度,它们之间的关系可以用下度和交通密度,它们之间的关系可以用下 式表示:式表示: 式中:式中:QQ———交通量(...
The mechanisms underlying gene repression and silencers are poorly understood. Here we investigate the hypothesis that H3K27me3-rich regions of the genome, defined from clusters of H3K27me3 peaks, may be used to identify silencers that can regulate gene expression via proximity or looping. We ...
As the size of the labeled graph increases and changes dynamically, users tend to focus on the high-match results that are of interest to them, and they want to take advantage of the relationship and number of results to get the results of the query quickly. For this reason, we consider...