祝贺InAmerica同学们收获 K-12 顶尖私立学校录取offer!⭐️The Pingry School, NJ宾格利学校,新泽西州高比例申藤名校⭐️Newark Academy, NJ纽瓦克学校,新泽西州第一所IB名校⭐️Brunswick School, CT布伦瑞克学校,康涅狄格州富人区精英男校K-12阶段是学生成长关键期,每一次选择都可能影响一生,专业...
InAmerica Education于2013年诞生于藤校摇篮地美国费城,成长于纽约曼哈顿,由宾夕法尼亚大学及沃顿商学院校友联合创建。 我们专注于美国顶级私立学校K-12及全球名校大学申请,从K-12幼儿教育赛道开始布局,为全球国际化家庭孩子提供低龄入学...
由美国教育部和国家艺术基金会成立的“艺术教育伙伴关系”(Arts Education Partnership)于2015年发布了《引领所有学生成功之路的艺术:2020年促进艺术教育行动纲领》(The Arts Leading the Way to Students Success: A 2020 Action Agenda for Advancing...
With every passing year, the need for improvement in the United States’ K-12 educational system becomes more and more painfully acute. The system is a living, active, and vital component of this nation’s present and future. Like everything else, public education must constantly reinvent itsel...
AIK-12EducationAs the impact and importance of artificial intelligence (AI) grows, there is a growing trend to teach AI in primary and secondary education (K-12). To provide an international perspective, we have conducted three interviews with practitioners and policy makers from AI4K12 in the...
Career Technical Education (CTE) Industry-Recognized Certification Opportunities Elementary, Middle & High School Programs Explore STEM programs Resources & Insights Get the Latest K-12 Insights Right to Your Inbox * Email Address * First Name: ...
Each year, up to six young inventors, grade K-12, in America can receive the nation’s most excellent young inventors’ honor, “The Thomas Edison Innovation Award (创新奖),” for their invention ideas. They can receive the following honors: ● Thomas Edison Innovation Award, “The Tommy”...
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根据Each year, up to six young inventors, grade K-12, in America can receive the nations most excellent young inventors’ honor, the Thomas Edison Innovation Award (创新奖), for their invention idea可知,他们有伟大的发明主意,故选B。 (2)题详解: 细节理解题。根据Chances in the future to ...