secret (string): The secret key used to sign the JWT Must be a string. id (string | number): The unique identifier for the token. Must be a string or a number. payload (object): The payload to include in the JWT. Must be an object. ttl (number) (optional): The time-to-live ...
2)Token decode failed: Subject must be a string. "Token decode failed: Subject must be a string" 错误通常是由于sub(subject) 声明的值不是字符串引起的。sub是 JWT 中常用的一个声明,用来标识 token 的主体,比如用户 ID 或用户名。JWT 标准要求sub的值必须是字符串。 检查sub声明的值 首先,确保在生...
Although JWTs can be encrypted to also provide secrecy between parties, we will focus onsignedtokens. Signed tokens can verify theintegrityof the claims contained within it, while encrypted tokenshidethose claims from other parties. When tokens are signed using public/private key pairs, the signatu...
The key"_username"must be astring,"NULL"given. So, I tried to add "user_parameter" in the security.yml in order to give the parameters name of my user entity, like this : login: pattern: ^/api/login stateless:trueanonymous:truejson_login: check_path: /api/login_check userna...
Collaborator bshafferadded thetype: questionlabelJul 15, 2022 turegjorupmentioned this issueSep 15, 2023 SERV-701: Fix "Return value of JWT::getKey() must be an instance of Firebase\JWT\Key" erroritk-dev/openid-connect#26 Merged yash30201closed this ascompletedJan 17, 2024...
The 'iss' and 'jti' claim value must be a string. The 'aud' claim value must be a case-sensitive string or an array of case-sensitive strings. The 'exp', 'nbf', and 'iat' claim value must be a number that represents the time. When validateAudience is true, the validate operation...
# The secret must be a string. With OpenSSL 3.0/openssl gem `<3.0.1`, JWT::DecodeError will be raised if it isn't provided. hmac_secret = 'my$ecretK3y' token = JWT.encode(payload, hmac_secret, 'HS256') # eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoidGVzdCJ9.pNIWIL34Jo13LViZAJACzK6Yf0...
Initializes a new instance of JwtHeader which contains JSON objects representing the cryptographic operations applied to the JWT and optionally any additional properties of the JWT. The member names within the JWT Header are referred to as Header Parameter Names. These names MUST be unique and the...
All parameter values must be of the STRING type. claims.setClaim("userId", "1213234"); claims.setClaim("email", "userEm***"); JsonWebSignature jws = new JsonWebSignature(); jws.setAlgorithmHeaderValue(AlgorithmIdentifiers.RSA_USING_SHA256); // The KeyIdHeaderValue parameter ...
>) authorities)); }throw new IllegalArgumentException("Authorities must be either a String or a Collection"); }}2. 编写自定义token转换器,注入自定义解压器 publicclassCustomAccessTokenConverterextendsDefaultAccessTokenConverter{publicCustomAccessTokenConverter(){super.setUserTokenConverter(new Custom...