Following the ongoing hostilities in the Red Sea area, the Joint War Committee has revised the JWC Listed Areas with new versionJWLA 032. The main updates include the addition of offshore installations in Guyana’s EEZ beyond territorial waters, and the expansion of the HRA for ...
伦敦保险市场已将红海南部水域列为高风险区域。联合战争委员会(Joint War Committee)于2023年12月18日发布最新版通函JWAL-032,宣布将Guyana列为战争险除外区域,同时将印度洋、亚丁湾和红海南部的战争险除外区域范围做如下更新: Added: Guyana, but only calls to offshore installations in the Guyanese EEZ beyond ...
JWC将这一区域指定为“高风险”地区 由于苏丹武装冲突持续,在联合战争委员会(Joint War Committee ,JWC )最新发布一一份报告中,该国已被列入了高风险地区名单。 这意味着任何寻求进入苏丹的船只都需要支付额外的战争风险保费,并获得其保险公司的批准。 苏丹当地时间4月15日爆发政变冲突,该国卫生部26号发表声明称,...
The Joint War Committee has recently reviewed the Listed Areas, and has agreed the following changes which are incorporated in the new list as attached. Added: Cabo Delgado The waters within 50 nautical miles of Mozambique and Tanzania enclosed by the following boundaries: ...
The Joint War Committee (JWC) said that the additions covered areas of perceived enhanced risk for marine insurers and reflected enhanced regional risk, noting that the situation would be “kept under close review”. Four tankers, comprising Saudi Arabian, UAE and Norwegian-flagged ships, were att...
Your Managers refer to the Association's Circular in respect of War Risks Trading Exclusions No.22/2021 dated 6 May 2021 and as members have been aware that following a review by the Joint War Committee (the JWC) and in consideration of a potential escalation and possible military conflict ...
伦敦保险市场已将红海南部水域列为高风险区域。联合战争委员会(Joint War Committee)于2023年12月18日发布最新版通函JWAL-032,宣布将Guyana列为战争险除外区域,同时将印度洋、亚丁湾和红海南部的战争险除外区域范围做如下更新: Added: Guyana, but only calls to offshore installations in the Guyanese EEZ beyond...