JWV1P 硬盘容量 16TB 成色 全新 尺寸 3.5英寸 接口类型 SATA 硬盘转速 7200转 缓存容量 64MB 适用机型 服务器 图文详情 本店推荐 3.5寸硬盘电路板 006-0A90561 HGST HUH72101ALE WD101KFBX ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#ExMTEx5DQ3EDRIpOMV1WT2ZKfUCjS/NPGUrmR2BdQHLhQKpz1HKAQGVHJE30cz1Njk+3R6BCm036XUBGt...
A portable surface-based polarimetric C-band scatterometer for field deployment over sea ice is presented. The scatterometer system, its calibration, signal processing, and near-field correction are described. The near-field correction is shown to be effective for both linear polarized and polarimetric...