FOSS replacement for JW Library app, that works on Ubuntu Touch, Debian (mobian & droidian), android, and any other os! Uses api directly. android linux cross-platform jwlibrary jw-org jw-library Updated Nov 13, 2021 Go Bibelo / JWtoPodcast Star 6 Code Issues Pull requests...
The validation code is usually tedious unless you are using a very cool helper library like ajv and Joi Otherwise: Consider this – your function expects a numeric argument “Discount” which the caller forgets to pass, later on, your code checks if Discount!=0 (amount of allowed discount ...
FOSS replacement for JW Library app, that works on Ubuntu Touch, Debian (mobian & droidian), android, and any other os! Uses api directly. androidlinuxcross-platformjwlibraryjw-orgjw-library UpdatedNov 13, 2021 Go A set of apps in Python for downloading publications and videos from...
FOSS replacement for JW Library app, that works on Ubuntu Touch, Debian (mobian & droidian), android, and any other os! Uses api directly. androidlinuxcross-platformjwlibraryjw-orgjw-library UpdatedNov 13, 2021 Go livrasand/Kingdom-Hall-Attendant ...
FOSS replacement for JW Library app, that works on Ubuntu Touch, Debian (mobian & droidian), android, and any other os! Uses api directly. androidlinuxcross-platformjwlibraryjw-orgjw-library UpdatedNov 13, 2021 Go A prototype of a player/slideshow for zoom meetings ...