线程正在JVM中执行,有可能在等待操作系统中的其他资源,比如处理器。 timed_waiting:指定了等待时间的某一等待线程的线程状态。线程正在等待另一个线程来执行某一个特定的操作,并设定了指定等待的时间,线程因为调用下面的方法之一而处于定时等待状态: Thread.sleep 方法 指定超时值的 Object.wait 方法 指定超时值的 Thr...
at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$WrappingRunnable.run(TaskThread.java:61) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) "http-nio-9025-exec-196" #19373 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x00007f8c8a06d000 nid=0x7ff3 waiting on condition [0x00007f8b3a8aa000] java.lang.Thread.State...
We have attached a thread dump that shows the above problem. Customer's application uses multiple threads, and this for some unknown reason begin to get stuck in a "waiting on condition" state. This has the effect of freezing the application to the point where the JVM eventually appears to ...
jstack用来查看jvm当前的thread dump的。可以看到当前Jvm里面的线程状况。 这个对于查找blocked线程比较有意义。 (1) jstack -l pid查看线程堆栈信息, while true;do sleep 5;jstack -l 29701 >> /tmp/typhon-check.log;cat /tmp/typhon-check.log|grep WAITING |wc -l;done ...
垃圾回收算法有四种,分别是标记清除法、标记整理法、复制算法、分代收集算法。 标记清除算法 首先利用可达性去遍历内存,把存活对象和垃圾对象进行标记。标记结束后统一将所有标记的对象回收掉。这种垃圾回收算法效率较低,并且会产生大量不连续的空间碎片。 复制清除算法 ...
性能调优包含多个层次,比如:架构调优、代码调优、JVM调优、数据库调优、操作系统调优等。 架构调优和代码调优是JVM调优的基础,其中架构调优是对系统影响最大的。 2 调优指标 吞吐量:运行用户代码的时间占总运行时间的比例 (总运行时间=程序的运行时间+内存回收的时间); ...
Blocked: The thread is waiting for an opportunity to run. This happens when one thread has already invoked thesynchronized()method and the next thread must wait until it’s finished. Terminated: The thread’s execution is complete. Figure 1. The six states of the Java threads lifecycle ...
waiting to lock monitor 0x00007fb083015800 (object 0x000000061ff904b0, a java.lang.Object), which is held by "Thread-0" Java stack information for the threads listed above: === "Thread-0": at DeadLock.foo(DeadLock.java:18) - waiting to lock <...
HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) {// post monitor waited event. Note that this is past-tense, we are done waiting.if (JvmtiExport::should_post_monitor_waited()) {// Note: 'false' parameter is passed here because the// wait was not timed out due to thread interrupt.JvmtiExport::post_monitor_...