JVM 内存区域 Runtime Data Areas(Heap | Method Area | JVM Stacks | PC Register | Native Stacks) JVM 堆内存区域 Heap Heap 数据结构 METHOD AREA / PERMANENT Created at JVM startup and shared among all threads like Heap. Per Thread Runtime Data Areas : PC Register & Stack Frame Local Variab...
public class HeapOOMTest { public static void main(String[] args) { List<HeapOOMTest> list = new ArrayList<>(); while (true){ list.add(new HeapOOMTest()); } } } 在IDEA 中设置 JVM 相关的参数。 运行后输出结果如下: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space Dumping heap to java_...
如果不可以动态扩展本地方法栈,当线程中的计算需要比允许的本地方法栈更大,则会抛出 StackOverflowError 异常。 如果可以动态扩展本地方法栈,当尝试进行本地方法栈扩展,但可使内存不足,或没有足够的内存可用于为当前前程创建初始本地方法栈,则会抛出 OutOfMemoryError 异常。 2.4.Heap(堆) 堆是运行时数据区,从中...
[Understanding JVM Memory Model, Java Memory Management]( [JVM Memory Structure](
JVM Architecture Runtime Data Area/Memory Structure Classloader Class loader is a subsystem in JVM, which is primarily responasible for loading the java classes, there are 3 different class loaders : Bootstrap Classloader is the super class loader, which primharily loads the rt.jar, ...
javaCopy codepublic class MemoryStructureExample { // 静态变量,存储在方法区 private static String staticField = "Hello"; public static void main(String[] args) { // 局部变量,存储在栈中 int localVar = 10; // 调用方法,方法栈帧被创建 ...
对于Java应用程序来说,Java堆(Java Heap)是虚拟机所管理的内存中最大的一块。Java堆是被所有线程共享的一块内存区域,在虚拟机启动时创建。此内存区域的唯一目的就是存放对象实例,Java世界里“几乎”所有对象实例都在这里分配内存。 在《Java虚拟机规范》中对Java堆的描述是:“所有的对象实例以及数组都应当在堆上分...
1.5 JVM memory structure diagram When the Java program is compiled into a .class file == "ClassLoader == "load the bytecode file into the JVM; 1.5.1 Method area, heap The main information stored in the method area is the class information (class attributes, member variables, constructors...
at some point this survivor space would also get filled. When this space gets filled, and in some case even where this space is not full, GC would run in this region, cleaning up memory for unreachable objects and reachable objects will be moved to CMS Old Gen on Heap. This is another...
堆内存 (Heap Memory) 方法区 (Method Area) 运行时常量池 (Run-time Constant Pool) 本地方法栈 (Native Method Stacks) 有图才能说 按线程持有划分 查看上面的图,可以得知以上六个数据区其实线程私有还是共享,可以分为如下两种。 单个线程私有(Managed Per-Thread) 属于这一种的数据区包含 程序计数器, JVM栈...