Energy Conversion and Management - Wind farm layout optimization based on support vector regression guided genetic algorithm with consideration of participation among landowners - JuXinglong/WFLOP_SUGGA_Python
Global optimization using mixed integer quadratic programming on non-convex two-way interaction truncated linear multivariate adaptive regression splines - JuXinglong/TITL_MARS_OPT
Founded in 1986, Xinxiang Juxinglong Water Treatment Co.,Ltd. is the earliest water treatment agent manufacturer in the central plain region of China, as a provider of diversified products and best service. At present, Juxinglong is located at 5km away from East suburb of Xinxiang city and...
Xinxiang Juxinglong Water Treatment Co.,Ltd. Contact:Mr. Xu Mobile:13653905177 Tel:0373-5651158、0373-5651855 Fax:0373-5651866、0373-5762666 Addrerss:Hongqi District, Dong Guan township government breakwater 500 meters,Xinxiang City, Henan Province ...
70 series oilfield additives 90 series special reagent for Xinxiang Juxinglong Water Treatment Co.,Ltd. Contact:Mr. Xu Mobile:13653905177 Tel:0373-5651158、0373-5651855 Fax:0373-5651866、0373-5762666 Addrerss:Hongqi District, Dong Guan township government breakwater 500 meters,Xinxiang City, Henan Pr...
Packaging and storage Dark polyethylene plastic barrel, 25kg / barrel or determined according to user requirements. Store in a cool and dry place for six months. It is normal to store a small amount of sediment at the bottom for a long time. It can be used after shaking well. ...
新乡市聚星龙水处理有限公司新乡市聚星龙水处理有限公司(原新乡市聚星龙水处理厂)位于中原腹地——河南省,距省会郑州50公里,紧邻京珠高速、107国道,交通十分便利。 公司始建于1991年。‘节能’牌水处理产品为省‘星火计划’项目,产品主要销往国内和东南亚市场,年生产能力为9600吨,是国内较大、产品较全的水处理药剂...
What is the precipitation softening method of water? What are the methods? The process of transforming calcium and magnesium ions in natural water into insoluble compounds and precipitating them to reduce water hardness is called precipitation softening of water. ...
巨型山东龙法语翻译:shantungosaurus giganteus 分词翻译: 巨的法语翻译: 形grand;gigantesque;immense;énorme;colossal;formidable巨款 une grosse somme d'argent. 型的法语翻译: 名1.modèle;type重型卡车 camion poids lourd.2.moule(de fonderie) 山的法语翻译: 名1.montagne;mont;colline2.qch qui ressemble ...
重点句型JUXING1.长面条是长寿的象征。Long noodles are a symbol of a long life.2.我和家人在我们村子里的一棵树下一起拍一张照片。My family an d I take a photo together under a tree in our village.3.我想看着它长大。I' d like to watch it grow.4.然后我许愿,并吹灭蜡烛。Then I make ...