Empirically speaking it is unclear whether juvenile awareness programs help to reduce recidivism or prevent criminal behavior. The purpose of this article is to use an evidence-based approach to determine if there is sufficient empirical evidence to suggest that these programs are effective crime ...
Juvenile Drug Court (JDC) Programs are establishing themselves across the Nation and are identified as a total wraparound service with police, counseling, parenting groups, and surveillance officers cooperating together to provide almost total supervision in an attempt to reduce the cycle of crime. Th...
In the years that "get tough on crime" policies were being established, various new programs were also attempted. One such program, Juvenile Boot Camp, received high publicity but had little success. "At risk" youth were placed into intense, structured, severe environments that were modeled afte...
Adult punishment for juvenile offenders: Does it reduce crime? In: Dowd, N., Singer, D., Wilson, R. (Eds.), Handbook of children, culture, and violence. Sage, Thousand Oaks (Ca.), pp. 375-394.Redding, R. E. (2006). Adult punishment for juvenile offenders: Does it reduce crime?
If a child is taken into custody by law enforcement with probable cause for having committed a crime, they are entitled to the same rights as an adult, including the right to remain silent and the right to a lawyer. The law enforcement officer may give the child a warning or sign a for...
Evidence-based recommendations and promising practices are offered to improve gender-responsive programming, recognize intersectionality and reduce group disparities, increase trauma-informed services, abolish prostitution-related offenses for minors, increase diversion opportunities, and reduce reliance on ...
moralizingeffectonyoungpeople.Thebourgeoispress,motionpictures,radio,andtelevision,whicharousechauvinism,racialhatred,andbrutishinstinctsintheyoungergeneration,breedinthemthecultofbrutalityandviolence.Accordingtotheevaluationof a UScongressionalcommittee(1967),crimeandviolencearethethemesof 60percentoftelevisionprograms....
determine the appropriate sentence for a juvenile. Among other factors, the judge will consider the age of the offender, past criminal activity, and openness to rehabilitation. Some alternatives to fines and detention include probation, community service, education programs, and substance abuse ...
Juvenile Incarceration Crime The authors, in Preventing Juvenile Delinquency: Early Intervention and Comprehensiveness as Critical Factors., use determine factors of different programs, and to see what works and what does not. In this way, the most successful programs can continue to be implemented an...
who commit the same crime. Modern juvenile courts generally seek to address the specific needs of youth in a developmentally appropriate manner, while also maintaining public safety. Adolescence in itself exemplifies a phase of impulsivity, vulnerability, risky behavior, and the testing of boundaries....