Twenty-seven youth left the detention center before we could schedule an interview; 312 were not interviewed because they left while we were locating their caretakers for consent. Eleven others were excluded:9 participants who became physically ill during the interview and could not finish it, 1 ...
Thus, punishments, rehabilitative tech- niques, detentions, and other controls have been designed to target the accepted explanatory factors. This chapter investigates the causes of delinquency. Several historical the- oretical models—from ancient explanations through the modern era—are discussed. ...
Working Together: Building Local Monitoring Capacity for Juvenile Detention Centers: The California Juvenile Hall Self-Inspection Project suggests that much of what was learned is applicable to monitoring conditions in any juvenile detention system, regardless of the enforcement mechanism used... S Burrell...
这是Mn River Valley Juvenile Detention的页面列表。 它的详细信息州, 城市, 地址, 邮政编码, 在线地图如下。 学校信息 学校名称: Mn River Valley Juvenile Detention 地址: 510 N. Front St. 城市: New Ulm 州: Minnesota 年级: 7-11 邮政编码: 56073 地址示例 510 N. Front St. New Ulm ...
[Frequency of re-incarcerations in the same detention center: role of substitution therapy. A preliminary retrospective analysis]. A retrospective study was carried out using 3 606 medical files of nine detention centers in France, over a three-month period (May to July 1997). The file... L...
Double Jeopardy: An Assessment of the Felony Drug Provision of the Welfare Reform Act — Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice In 1996 the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program was replaced with a federal block grant program called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families ... R Brief ...
We aimed to develop a horticultural therapy program to prepare adolescents at the Dae san juvenile detention center (D-JDC) for their return to society. The effects of the program on emotional stability and career exploration were investigated. Adolescents who wished to participate in the horticultur...