With regard to crime targets, there has been more recent cases of plane, ship and taxi hijackings, and hostage taking with juveniles constituting the majority of the perpetrators. Most of the larger plane and ship hijackings in the past few years have been done by juveniles....
The recent arrest of three boys who allegedly killed a middle school student has once again turned public attention on juvenile delinquents, sparking debates and discussions on the plight of left-behind children. ▲Photo: VCG The vic...
If a child is taken into custody by law enforcement with probable cause for having committed a crime, they are entitled to the same rights as an adult, including the right to remain silent and the right to a lawyer. The law enforcement officer may give the child a warning or sign a for...
Case attrition in the juvenile court: An application of the crime control modelAlthough many aspects of the juvenile justice process have been studied in recent years, little attention has been given to the issue of case attrition—the loss of cases referred to the juvenile court through intake ...
determined that the three suspects, who were surnamed Zhang, Li and Ma, and between 12 and 14 years old at the time of conducting the crime, intentionally killed Wang, resulting in his death. Due to the heinous nature of the crime, the suspects should be held criminally responsible, accordi...
unless the crime is very serious. More often than not, juvenile drug charges involvemarijuana possession less than 50 grams,possession of heroin, and possessing othertypes of CDS. In some cases, a minor will be accused ofdistributing drugsor possessing drugs with intent to distribute, which can...
During the past fifteen years, violent juvenile offenders have been central to debates on the future of a separate juvenile justice system. The juvenile justice system, created at the turn of the century, was given broad discretion to deal with children with problems. It was based on the belie...
Recent interest in a life-course developmental approach to psychopathology1,3 has been generated by 2 main findings. First, several longitudinal-epidemiological studies have pointed to prediction of adult psychiatric problems from childhood,4-6 whether of the same (ie, homotypic continuity) or a diff...
VAWA primarily addresses certain types of violent crime (namely intimate partner violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking) through grant programs to state, local, and tribal governments; nonprofit organizations; and universities.94Through the most recent VAWA reauthorization (P.L. 113-...
The number of cases has continually decreased:At one point, the annual number of juveniles charged as adults in King County was 80. Isupported a recent change to the lawremoving first-degree robbery and other crimes from the offenses that qualify for adult prosecution. To treat...