据NBC 1月31日报道宾夕法尼亚州一名男子因涉嫌杀害自己的父亲而被捕,他在一段令人毛骨悚然的YouTube视频中展示了父亲被砍下的头颅,同时大谈右翼阴谋论。 NBC新闻截图 警方告诉NBC新闻,32岁的贾斯汀·莫恩(Justin Mohn)被指控杀害了他的父亲迈克尔·莫恩(Michael Mohn)。 根据周三早些时候公布的法庭记录,贾斯汀因...
称要推翻“拜登政权”... 当地时间1月30日,美国宾夕法尼亚州一名男子将其父斩首并录制视频公开展示。 图源网络,版权属于原作者 综合外媒报导,32岁男子Justin Mohn 在YouTube上传了一段14分钟的影片, 画面中他高举一个血迹斑斑的透明塑胶袋,而里面装的竟然是他68岁父亲Michael Mohn的头颅。 他声称:「这是我父亲...
the Levittown man shows 68-year-old Michael Mohn's severed head wrapped in plastic wrap. She adds that Mohn states his father, who worked for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, is "in hell for being a traitor to his country."
"We are deeply saddened to learn of the tragic death of our teammate Michael Mohn. He served with our Geo-Environmental Section. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Mohn family and we are focused on supporting our grieving employees at this time. We would refer any other questions to loca...
Officers found Justin Mohn's father, Michael Mohn, in an upstairs bathroom. Justin Mohn was not there when police arrived. Michael Mohn was found beheaded with his head in a plastic bag with a machete and a large knife nearby, his wife told police. Michael Mohn was a retired civil enginee...
Justin Mohn, Levittown, Pennsylvania man beheads dad, Michael Mohn, gives political manifesto speech on YouTube. Pictured Justin Mohn Facebook account where he extolled similar violent themes. Failure at work, left leaning agenda to blame
当地时间1月30日,美国宾夕法尼亚州一名男子将其父斩首并录制视频公开展示。 图源网络,版权属于原作者 综合外媒报导,32岁男子Justin Mohn 在YouTube上传了一段14分钟的影片, 画面中他高举一个血迹斑斑的透明塑胶袋,而里面装的竟然是他68岁父亲Michael Mohn的头颅。