Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our LordJesusChrist(Romans 5:1). In his book on Christian Living, Dr. Charles Stanley explains the meaning of justification, as used inRomans 5:1. He explains, "The Greek verb tense used in this verse means a onc...
5:1, 2, where the apostle mentions both these as joint benefits implied in justification: “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom also we have access into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God....
Key Verses: Romans 4:9-12, Acts 2:38 Pastor Dennis Rokser teaches the twentieth message in the Romans 1-8 series, with a message titled, "20 - Justification Before God is Not by Rituals" reviewing: A. The Examples of Justification by Faith Apart From Works. ...
We need a doctrine like "the Trinity" to harmonize these two verses. Since the Reformation, only one side of this two-sided coin has been emphasized, sometimes expressed as "Justification by Faith Alone." John Robbins even speaks of "justification by belief alone." When do you ever hear su...
therighteousnessofGodthroughfaithinJesusChristfor allwhobelieve.Forthereisnodistinction: 23 forallhavesinnedandfallshortofthegloryofGod, 24 andarejustified byhisgraceasagift,throughtheredemptionthatisinChristJesus, 25 whom Godputforwardasapropitiationbyhisblood,tobereceivedbyfaith.ThiswastoshowGod‘s ...
Second, justification is through faith. Acts 13:39says those who "believe" — those who have faith — are justified. Romans 3:26concurs that God is the justifier of "one who has faith in Jesus." See alsoGalatians 3:8,24. Faith is belief that God exists and that He will do what He...
So far, in looking at the Cross, we’ve see that God Himself, in the person of Jesus, bore the penalty for our sins. Jesus paid the penalty; we, therefore, don’t have to. We are spared what’s due us, because Jesus took what’s due us upon Himself. ...
Romans 4:16 tn Grk“those who are of the faith of Abraham.” Romans 4:17 tn Verses 16-17 comprise one sentence in Greek, but this has been divided into two sentences due to English A quotation from Gen 17:5. The quotation forms a parenthesis in Paul’s argument. Roman...
James 2:19 – even the demons believe that Jesus is Lord. But they tremble. Faith is not enough. Works are also required. James 2:20 – do you want to be shown, you shallow man, that faith apart from works is barren? Good works in God’s grace are required for justification. But...
3 Or are you unaware that we who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 We were indeed buried with him through baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might live in newness of life.5...