Justice in the standard Tarot de Marseille Type II does not have wings. The allegorical figure sits on a high-backed chair, which gave rise to the theory that some block carvers misread the chair backs as wings. Since wings appeared in the Justice card long before the elaborate chair back,...
【Bix Tarot】比克斯塔罗牌开箱 双十一开箱第二弹 3832022-11-29 18:49 双十一牌卡开箱【浪漫塔罗牌】【文艺复兴塔罗牌】【利诺曼神谕卡】 4662022-11-19 05:20 【古老马赛塔罗牌Tarot de Marseille Convos】开箱 2942022-11-10 04:29 【MANARA Tarot】开箱 米罗马那哈塔罗牌开箱随手拍 ...