My girls LOVE Justice but in this economy, I will not enter the store without a coupon! And, when I do make a purchase, it is real important to me that the Justice logo is on the OUTSIDE of the clothes! If I am paying the price, people will know it's Justice. Sounds bad, but...
The rhetorical theorist Richard Weaver considered the foregoing use of “communist” to be the quintessential “God term” during the 1950s, i.e., for some audiences, a word that stood for everything evil –the same tactic used today by DeSantis and others with the term woke. More than t...
优点 Health and dental benefits and flexible schedule for my studies. 缺点 Too many associates so therefor not too many hours. 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是1否 报告 分享 1.0 summary Customer service(离职员工)-Exton, PA-2015年9月10日 Little to no business. Manager was very rude. Stoc...
If that had been in China, getting girls going for tea any day would be quite possible because most mainland Chinese see this as networking (me too), Singaporeans see dating as dating. So no girls to hang out with, for now. It is ok. I am kind of used to lonliness, anyway. Talk...
Now, Abdi said that while Fatuma has improved, she still struggles to put on her clothes, and has serious “psychological problems.” Fatuma still needs more physical rehabilitation and mental-support, but there’s no money. “Every...
It was partly to save the face for the DPM, and most importantly… my smartphone was exploding with messages from my girls. People who know me know I love to fight a war using others’ troops against others’ troops. So when I was ‘asked’ to talk about my ideas… Sorry, I made ...
I told the maid I’d wash my own clothes… she ‘yes yes yes’ then went and washed… I sometimes think… Aiyah… young little girl, Myanmar version Zoe Tay, comes all the way to Singapore to work without holiday… but… when I told her I’d do my own water filling… she ‘yes...