Jobs, he contends, constitute a scarce resource that -- like inherited wealth -- should be taxed in order to fund the highest possible basic income. The same logic, it would seem, could justify taxing other scarce goods -- like marriage partners. Van Parijs considers the analogy and ...
After all, students prefer a situation in which everyone–at least in theory–has the same chance to receive support measures, irrespective of support measures being a limited resource that not everyone can draw from. Thus, despite having additional information on the individual’s performance from...
Connecting the Dots: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights as Prerequisites for Global Gender Equality and Empowerment; Population Institute: Washington, DC, USA, 2023; Available online:
In these systems, employees are considered the organization's most valuable resource [94]; studies written from this viewpoint emphasize workforce participation, team and group work, greater autonomy, and employee empowerment [95]. Other studies have shown that where union and management are ...