Snow had fallen overnight, creeping all the way up to the doors.I beckoned my partner to follow me outside where the Elk awaited. We slipped on our boots, pajamas in style, and found that the Elk was a female. No antlers. She ran to the North, but behind her was the male, toweri...
Red Wing Does Work Boots. Engineered Garments Does Patchwork. Boom (EXCLUSIVE) Sneakers1 hour ago Although "Mid," Nike's Purple Jordan 1 Sneaker Is Very Pretty Sneakers2 hours ago This New BEAMS x Arc'teryx Is the Same Banger But Different Style3 hours ago Fur Hats Don’t Go With Anyt...
appropriately extending the service life of leather sandals and fur boots, etc.; in the selection of uniform fabrics, the basic functional requirements such as comfort, straightness, sweat absorption and perspiration, and anti-static electricity should be met as far...
/ blCt; blBt/ v (-tt-) 1 [Tn] make a blot or blots on (paper); stain (with ink) 在(纸)上留下污点; (用墨水)弄脏: an exercise book blotted with ink 被墨水弄脏的练习本. 2 [Tn] soak up or dry (sth) with blotting-paper (用吸墨纸)吸乾(某物): blot spilt ink, one's writi...
But in the winter, ugg is without doubt the good tool which maintains warmth, this is other shoes cannot compare.The UGG snowy area boots work is quite fine, is extremely perfect one section.He by comfortable primarily, liberates your foot, also many fashions, why is this also it can be...
/ bu:t; but/ n 1 outer covering for the foot and ankle, made of eg leather or rubber 靴子: a pair of football boots 一双足球靴 *| tough boots for walking 耐穿的轻便靴. =>illus 见插图. Cf 参看 sandal, shoe 1. 2 (usu sing 通常作单数) (infml 口) blow with the foot; kick 踢...