(rev. October 2005) Section #3 Page 1 of 3 Application for Funding Assistance Florida Department of Law Enforcement Justice Assistance Grant - County-wide Goal: Bureau of Justice Assistance Measure: Goal: Part 1 Are you a subrecipient of a JAG award from another JAG grantee (other than FDLE...
Criminal Justice Grants: Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program91 Since the late 1980s, Congress has established a number of grant programs, including the JAG program and its predecessors, to help state and local law enforcement in their crime control efforts. Currently, JAG ...
The widespread humanitarian crisis precipitated by the violent conflict in northern Ethiopia has left millions of people in need of humanitarian assistance and has placed an entire region on the brink of famine. While maintaining pressure on those persons responsible for the crisis, the United States ...
Code. The detainee would be entitled to have access to all unclassified evidence and "an unclassified summary of the classified evidence admitted against the detainee that is sufficiently specific to provide the detainee a fair opportunity to respond, with the assistance of counsel, to such evidence...