Introduction: Three Kinds of Engagement Making such changes involves civilians entering civic spaces where they can invite citizens to care for justice and for future generations.doi:10.1007/978-3-030-77363-2_1Marvin T. BrownLibrary of Public Policy and Public Administration... MT Brown - 《Libra...
In its yearnings and anticipations, however, eros meets the "political economy of life chances" which are not equal. Indeed, people in their movements, emotions, and desires are themselves made in terms of the discourses and unequal differences, of the past, present and future political economy...
All the same, readers may find the book's structure somewhat confusing in places and its theory-burdened style rather heavy going and repetitive. While not outweighing the thoroughness of Kinkley's scholarship. and the insights contained in his excellent analyses of crime fiction, such ...
Irene Gómez FrancoSustainable Intergenerational Justiceand its EndsAbstract:The primary concern of this work isto ask what wewant to leave tofuturegenerations. The argumentation is grounded in two premises:firstly,that thereisanintrinsic interdependence between justiceand sustainable devel-opment;and ...
Complaints are often made about the absence of such a distinction, that virtue or morality cannot be or ought not be legislated, or about its presence, that the decline of private morality calls for a public and legal remedy. The distinction is real enough, and its presence reveals another ...
2.The justification of result liability as the basis of tort law could have two approaches:one is to find proper theoretical basis through economic analysis and corrective justice,the other is prove its justification in the perspective of social practice analyzing socialized security system.作为侵权法...
Only the fully implemented two-state solution can bring real peace in the Middle East and lasting security for Israel, Wang said, pointing out that the right way to advance the two-state solution is to resume peace t...
and to Professor Julius Stone for the influence of his treatise The Province and Function of Law (2nd ed. 1950) as well as for the benefit of constant interchange of ideas between us while the essay was taking its final form during my work with him at the Universities of Sydney and Harva...
The conservative Fifth Circuit had ordered the injunction put in place pending its final decision, keeping the razor wire intact. But a slim majority of the Supreme Court, with Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Amy Coney Barrett joining the three liberals, overruled the panel. At stake is...
I encourage you to listen today to this track and to ponder thepower of its lyrics: Baby boy dying under hot desert sun, watch your colors run. Did you believe the lie they told you, that Christ would lead the way and in a matter of days ...