L’hotel Particulière in Arles, a 17th century mansion, was one of the best places we stayed. Recommended by DeSanctis because of “the courtyard so serene, the white sheets so pressed, and the tucked away bar with the wine menu scrawled on a chalkboard so inviting.” A romantic aura an...
On the other hand, the thrill of saving your cards for that one attack that might just turn the tide, or finding weakness you can exploit and just winging it is awesome. I get a gambling kick off of this game, not a strategy game kick. It has worked for me since Battlecry 1ed all...
(Admittedly, she had to wait a few years for me to catch up to that age, but she did a bang-up job winging it until then.) Anyway, as a precocious young lady of 4, it was in the household’s interest that I be given some direction on a rainy day, lest I create a book tower...
As you read this I’ll be winging my way to Hobart for the 2025 Australian Wooden Boat Festival. There will be daily posts of the best thats on display so check in each day. Readers of WW will be familiar with my addiction to the USA based v-blog OFF CENTER HARBOR, one of the sup...
I’m used to this but it can be difficult to find a compadre in winging it, especially one from the UK- those Brits take planning and prep to a whole new level. As well as gear… don’t get the Brits started on gear. I’m definitely not complaining, as this seemingly cultural ...
On the other hand, the thrill of saving your cards for that one attack that might just turn the tide, or finding weakness you can exploit and just winging it is awesome. I get a gambling kick off of this game, not a strategy game kick. It has worked for me since Battlecry 1ed all...