(2006) `Jus Post Bellum: Just War Theory and the Principles of Just Peace', International Studies Perspectives, 7(4), pp. 309-320.Caldwell, D., Williams, R.E, Jus Post Bellum: Just War Theory and the Principles of Just Peace; International Studies Perspectives (2006) 7....
When the seven principles of the modern Just-War Theory, are examined, it is evident that the theory's prime objective is to maintain peace and order. The first principal refers to just cause, meaning that the nation, which wages war, must fight in response to armed aggression or in the...
The primary aim of just war theory is to put restraints on war. To achieve its aim, the theory places a series of barriers in the form of principles in front of those who contemplate going to war. It asks, Do you have a just cause (a very good reason such as that you are a vict...
While soldiers engage in war-fighting, senior political and military leaders engage in war-waging. The lacuna in contemporary just war theory is, according to Dubik, that there are no codified principles to guide war-waging nor is the need for such principles formally discussed. Currently, just...
The primary aim of just war theory is to put restraints on war. To achieve its aim, the theory places a series of barriers in the form of principles in front of those who contemplate going to war. It asks, Do you have a just cause (a very good reason such as that you are a vict...
, Rethinking the just war tradition. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press. Lango, J. W. (2009). Military operations by armed UN peacekeeping missions: an application of generalized just war principles. In T. van Baarda and D. Verweij (Eds.), The moral dimension of ...
Nuclear weapons are considered to be unjust because of their massive destructive capabilities which violate just war principles. This identity results in nuclear taboo. Nuclear taboo can be divided into three levels:use,threat to use,and possess. The process that nuclear taboo gets deepened is the...
'Just War Theory Across Time and Culture' published in 'The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies'
Though not derived from alleged universal principles and more akin to the moral sentiment espoused by David Hume, the Israeli declaration made the claim that the Jewish culture had a universal significance. There is no foundation in logical or natural necessity for the Israeli proclamation. The ...
Just war theory is largely silent on the salience of these relationships between poverty and war. Indeed, our account of justice in war seems to be designed to be insensitive to such issues of distributive justice, beyond those that bear on the distribution of just force.It might be thought,...