When they ask for more, give just enough detail to keep them interested, but still leave some mystery. “It involved a surprise visit to a famous chef’s kitchen.”Share the full story piece by piece, maintaining the other person’s interest throughout the conversation and watch their ...
directed toward the person whose hate you’re trying to discourage. Real love will, slowly, convince them their hate is no longer necessary, and perhaps even making things difficult for them. They’ll start to let it go, and eventually, if they feel safe enough long enough, leave it behin...
Those of you who've known me on LJ for years know that I wanted nothing more than to leave Boston for California. My hometown is full of contradictions, as all hometowns are, and there are lots of painful pockets and inhospitable neighborhoods that for years I ached to leave in the rear...
cmshaw, are you out there? I almost want to break out into a chorus Old Nassau, but I don't want to inflict such pain on my friends...maybe if you join me. *g* Tags: cons:con.txt, cons:nattercon, horses 19 comments Leave a comment Share Flag Link CON.TXT - slashy con, ...
In addition, you can check out sites that list the game designer’s target payout percentages. Another tip is to watch the players in your casino. Watch for people who win frequently and see what they do with their winnings. Often, they will cash out and leave their slot machine because...
As every cute puppy owner knows, if there's food about you can guarantee your canine is in the vicinity, sniffing, drooling and putting on their best sad puppy eyes. You have to have a heart of steel to resist these masters of the beg, funny dogs who know precisely how ...
This could be the only time you can go to camp and long rest. That would be pretty easy to implement.When I was in the hag lair, if I tried to go to camp I got a message that I couldn't leave from a dangerous area (I forget the exact words, but something to that effect.) ...
“To tell you the truth,” Eslici said. “I have no intention to stay in the country. I want to leave and never look back. I’m not suited to deal with mage battles.” “I’ll do my best to get you out of the kingdom.” ...
in when we left the vet. He managed to get out of it while still in the carrier on the way home. I put it back on him as soon as we got home and I learned that (1) when wearing a cone of shame Striker can only walk backwards and (2) he gets out of it in under 20 ...
While the Oscars are still scrambling for a host, the American Country Music Awards have brought in a ringer — Miss Dolly Parton, of course.