循环歌单|《勇敢去做の小曲》|《Just Friends》, 视频播放量 40836、弹幕量 1、点赞数 529、投硬币枚数 64、收藏人数 7216、转发人数 2, 视频作者 GQNI庆, 作者简介 ,,相关视频:《火车头の小曲》《A-Trainの小曲》Messages from the Stars(Speed Up)|循环歌单,一分钟
We all walk to Mrs. Bunny s house. 我们一起步行去了邦尼太太的家。 l knock on the door. 我敲了敲门。 Mrs.Bunny says,"Hello." 邦尼太太说:“你们好。” "We are Critters Who Care! “我们是一群乐于助人的小动物! ...
I said bye to that old man grandpa, from whose eyes I knew a few drops of happy tears came saying thank you.1. The writer smiled at the old man because she ___.A: had never seen an old man with heavy load on his headB:
We all walk to Mrs. Bunny's house. 我们一起步行去了邦尼太太的家。 l knock on the door. 我敲了敲门。 Mrs.Bunny says,"Hello." 邦尼太太说:“你们好。” "We are Critters Who Care! “我们是一群乐于助人的小动物, May we help you with your yard?" l ask. ...
We all walk to Mrs. Bunny’s house. 大家在我家门口集合了。 每个人都穿上了工作服。 家长们也来了。 我们一起步行去了邦尼太太的家。 l knock on the door. Mrs.Bunny says,"Hello." 我敲了敲门。 邦尼太太说:“你们好。” "We are Critters Who Care!
I said bye to Grandpa, from whose eyes I knew came a few drops of happy tears saying thank-you. 1. The writer smiled at the old man because she ___. A: had never seen an old man with heavy load on his shoulder B: was afraid the old man might fall down on the road C: showe...
"Don't worry. We will. Bye!" said Annie. Jack shivered with excitement as he pointed at the book's cover. “别担心。我们会的。再见!”安妮说。杰克指着书的封面激动得直发抖。 "I wish we could go there," he said. “我希望我们能去那里,”他说。 "And I wish we could go on lots of...
*** my 9 to 5 bye Disappear for weeks gone Wash up on a beach lost Might catch a lil' sunrise catch it Caught me by surprise surprise Waterfalls make me weak no So I so I creep woah Mermaids on the reef friends I want you for keeps hey friend I...
He didn'tsay goodbye to his mother.(同义句改写)T heboy hurrie d to school good bye to his mother.8.T oday is December 5. T he boss flew to Japan on December 3.(同义句改写)T heboss flew to Japan the9T hey coul d not fin d any strange things when they came into the room.(...