Both "Just do it" and "Do it" would generally be considered fairly rude to say to someone by themselves, because giving someone a direct order like this is not polite. Adding "just" here implies that "it" is an easy thing to do. The more polite way to as
жди can mean indefinite or long time, or can sometimes be a short colloquial form Vedi una traduzione 1 like Utente esperto Questa risposta ti è stata d'aiuto? Hmm... (0) Utile (0) [Novità] Ehi tu! Dico a te che stai imparando una lingua! Sai come migliorare le tue abi...
But if you are meeting someone in person, you can show the name with Katakana approximation but read it in the actual pronunciation.The last solution, which some people might not agree with, is to give your cat a Japanese name. Now your cat has two names. Vedi una traduzione 1 like ...
“Hermione : It just means these tasks are designed to test you. In the most brutal way, they're almost cruel. And... I'm scared for you. You got by the dragons mostly on nerve…” ? Vedi una traduzione AI_monga 23 ago "Got by" は、何かをうまくやり遂げることを指します。