Popular actress Pooja Hegde has tested positive for COVID-19. The actress has officially confirmed the same via her social media profile. Pooja Hegde has been taking all necessary precautions but came into contact with the virus. The actress, however, is currently recuperating well and she urged...
Ravens wide receiver Dez Bryant announced on Twitter he tested positive for COVID-19 before his much-anticipated reunion with the Cowboys on Tuesday night.
It was later on revealed that Deputy Speaker Johnny Pimentel tested positive for COVID-19 as well as the 25 staffers of the Congress and the Office of the President. The President have also undergone the COVID-19 test in which his result came out to be negative....
先是轮胎爆了,现在我又被锁在了公寓外面。 I tested positive for COVID-19 during my presidential campaign.Just my luck! 我在竞选总统期间感染新冠病毒,真倒霉啊! 在美剧《破产姐妹》中,Max和Caroline搬着蛋糕送货,但是一位盲人挡住了去路,于是Max说道: 要表示“倒霉”,还有一个常用的说法: bad luck. 我...
One among the coronavirus positive patients in the country is actress Iza Calzado. She was admitted in the hospital for pneumonia while waiting for the test result. According to the writer of PEP Entertainment Portal, Noel Ferrer, the actress test result was positive for coronavirus. But the wri...
AT least 292 people from Kadoma have tested positive for Covid-19 since the announcement of the level four lockdown amid revelations that funeral wakes are contributing to the spiking of cases. Twenty-five have also succumbed to the virus in the past one month. ...
Minaj also revealed that she tested positive for COVID-19 recently, which is why she pulled out of the MTV Video Music Awards last minute. "Love u babe," she responded to a fan who agreed with her choice not to go to the black-tie affair. "I was prepping for VMAs then I shot ...
"An app efficacy review is underway which will provide information on the performance of Covid Tracker within the overall testing and tracing operation," a spokesperson said. "The app has been used by over 15,000 people who have tested positive to upload random IDs, this has resulted in noti...
“SARS-CoV-2 (causative agent of COVID-19) viral RNA detected, so it’s positive right now. Fever na lang, yung loss of smell nare-regain ko na siya,”he said. As of now, the actor is still in the process of completely fighting off the disease. ...
Detroit LionsquarterbackMatthew Staffordwas isolated from his team all last week after he was exposed to someone who tested positive for the coronavirus. However, he was able to play on Sunday against theMinnesota Vikings. NFL WEEK 9 RECAP, SCORES AND STANDINGS ...