Berkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksJohn G. Culhane
友情提醒:纳米盒使用了较多HTML5技术,建议使用谷歌浏览器,避免点读和音频功能体验不完整或缺失。如果你还没有安装Google Chrome,可 点击这里下载安装,谢谢! 隐藏提示纳米盒绘本-I just talk
Parking has never been easy, and most drivers often end up hitting other cars, pets, kids, or other small objects while reversing. This is attributed to the fact that some objects are too small to be captured by the rear mirror. Therefore, buying this safety tool is of the essence if y...
Instructor Rob is a school teacher. We had lots of fun making comparisons. One was the comment, “What you’re doing shouts louder than what you’re saying.” You don’t have to work with kids for long before you realize “Do as I say and not as I do” doesn’t work well. While...
Astlya gotten more details, the names and some example routines for each of the 10 Danceverses from the Loremaster, confirming that Daisy, Stupid Love and Zooby Doo are in the same planet (WackyGroove) and that We Don't Talk About Bruno and MORE take place in the same planet too which...
The aim of this study was to analyze whether endogenous male sex hormones influence the release of thromboxane A2(TXA2) and its role in the electrical fiel... LD Campo,A, Sagredo,R, Aras-López,... 被引量: 0发表: 2018年 Compensatory brain activation in children with attention deficit/hype...
That’s the first story I’ve heard of children. Usually the kids are not there late at night, but this is an emergency practice, and so kids are in. Talk to me about children’s awareness of spirits versus adults. Should we have children that we bring in to see if they see anythin...
We then created a meeting space that allows people to come in and talk together in a circle/oval. The retail part is really just on one wall; it’s a long linear bar that stretches programmatically through the space. And then there are a couple of other merchandising momen...
And you let me feed it to my kids at like 9:00 PM. Nobody slept till three o'clock in the morning, basically. [00:01:32] Gabriel Mizrahi: I mean, that's on you, bro. I didn't know that was going to happen. I just thought you guys would enjoy it. [00:01:37] Jordan ...
It may sound a bit silly, but for introverts who don’t have a spouse orkidsat home “needing” them, a pet provides the perfect excuse to head straight home after work or make an early exit from aparty. Sure, pets require cleaning up after and sometimes get noisy at night, but I ...