may sheih may song may spoon may the spring festiv may the warmth and jo may this promise hold may wonder may you always have p may you be blessed may you bring love may you happiness may your feet always may your tears come f maymight just as well maya hd2008 maya okamoto maya smo...
I am glad he lasted long enough to be the one we carried back. He was the one I truely sought, and had he finished sooner, another would be here in his stead. And that would be tragic, for in the others I sensed an inate… stupidity. This one, had he been born here, would be...
I am one of the blogosphere’s old contrarian Realists or as I prefer to think Baconian empiricists. From the start the whole CAGW meme seemed really incredible to me based on common sense thought and simple observations. Also because of the complexities of the climate system it seemed obviou...
Another one: I think the Avatars that Korra lost her connection to weren't completely destroyed. I think it's just the connection that Raava held between them that was destroyed. The individual Avatars' spirits are still out in the Spirit World, probably in the Valley of Lost Souls, meditat...
(Okonomiyaki is edible enough when it's cold, but it's one of those foods that is so much better when it's freshly made.) Notes A Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki is either two of these with some yakisoba (pan-fried noodles) in between, or one of these as a base, topped with a mound...