Ralph Myers was the man who told the police that McMillian was responsible for the murder of Morrison. Investigation started to show that Myers had never met McMillian. ABI agents proved this by “having Myers meet up with McMillian at a grocery store while they monitored the interaction”(...
“Just Mercy” has the misfortune of hitting theaters at the same time as “Clemency,” a more daring and better film set on a prison’s Death Row. Though the lead characters differ in intent—Michael B. Jordan’s activistBryan Stevensonis trying to get prisoners off the row whileAlfre Wo...
Just Mercy By Bryan Stevenson “Just mercy” written by Bryan Stevenson is a story about “justice and redemption”(title). Bryan Stevenson tells the story about Walter McMillian a convicted murder. McMillian was unjustly charged for the murder of Ronda Morrison by Ralph Myers even though there...
a fellow prisoner who also sits on death row awaiting his fate. Tim Blake Nelson (“Wormwood,”“The Ballad of Buster Scruggs”) as Ralph Myers, whose pivotal testimony against Walter McMillian is called into question. Rafe Spall (“The Big Short,”“The Ritual”) as ...
It’s not long after doing some digging (through some rather contrived plotting) that Bryan is made aware that the original testimony from criminal Ralph Myers (Tim Blake Nelson deep in character with a permanent scowl and some burn scars adding to his back story and personal decisions) was ...
Tim Blake Nelson Ralph Myers Rhoda Griffis Judge Pamela Bachab J. Alphonse Nicholson Henry Davis Karan Kendrick Minnie McMillian Hayes Mercure Jeremy Doss Lindsay Ayliffe Judge Foster Dominic Bogart Doug Ansley Tim Hooper Charles Cooper, Office Manager Andrene Ward-Hammond Brenda John Lacy Bill Michae...
As we looked into how accurate isJust Mercy, we learned that it took the jury just a day and a half to find Walter McMillian guilty. Was Walter McMillian convicted based on suspect testimony? Yes. His conviction was largely based on the testimony of career criminal Ralph Myers, a white ...
The main cast also includes Rob Morgan (“Mudbound,” TV’s “Stranger Things”) as Herbert Richardson, a fellow prisoner who also sits on death row awaiting his fate. Tim Blake Nelson (“Wormwood,”“The Ballad of Buster Scruggs”) as Ralph Myers, whose pivotal testimony against Walter Mc...
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Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption 是人權律師 Bryan Stevenson所寫的書,主軸是他為了一個冤獄案,Walter McMillian 這位非裔美國人,被另一名叫 Ralph Myers的人指控殺了一個白人女性,在輿論的壓力下他很快就被判了死刑,但是 Ralph Myers發現其實這名證人是被警方脅迫做偽證,所有對McMillian有利的證...